Policy Analysis & Advocacy
Evaluating the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) in Pakistan: A concise description of the policy paper and the insights it provides. Include a download link or external link to the paper.
Recommendations for the Farm Bill for BIPOC Communities: Mention the memo’s ongoing progress and its potential impact, with a link to the memo’s draft or an update.
Equity and Social Justice
Equity Analysis in Food Systems: NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan: A summary of the analysis and recommendations for equity in New Hampshire's food system, with a link to an example of an equity analysis.
Social Justice Reforms in South Africa: A brief overview of how this project draws from post-apartheid reforms and their relevance to Palestine's future. Include a link to a more in-depth write-up or related research.
Social Sector Leadership Development Fellowship with NYU: A brief summary of the fellowship’s focus on leadership development in the social sector. Include a link to her profile.
Sustainability Fellowship with UNH: A summary of her sustainability work with a link to the fellowship profile.